Push for Peace Corps
I got an email today from the coordinator of Push for Peace Corps, an organization lobbying for an increase in Peace Corps funding to put more volunteers on the ground in more countries. While the...
View ArticleA meditation on Avatar, Africa, and the cost of art
Cross-posted from No Depression.As many chose to do, we spent a few hours of our holiday season sequestered in a warm, dark place, surrounded by friends and family, watching James Cameron’s...
View ArticleBack Off the Peace Corps
Nicholas Kristof thinks he has a great idea. In yesterday's NYT column (featured in this morning's pundit round-up) he writes: [W]e need a new initiative: Teach for the World.Teach for the World would...
View ArticlePetraeus, McChrystal, Obama... "Can a late COIN toss win it?"
If you share General McChrystal’s concern: "For every innocent person you kill, you create 10 new enemies." Former UN Ambassador, Jeane Kirkpatrick’s "... it will take more than commandos to win the...
View ArticleECOVA MALI: Building Home Grown Knowledge
Check out Nourishing the Planet's visit to ECOVA MALI, a training center for farmers outside Bamako
View ArticlePeace Corps Volunteer Murdered
My daughter called this morning at 4:50am EST to tell us about the tragedy that happened to her Peace Corps community in Lesotho. Lesotho is a land-locked country located inside Soth Africa.I waited...
View ArticleSargent Shriver's Legacy Vs. Today's Tea Party
This evening’s NBC News broadcast with Brian Williams had a beautiful piece about Sargent Shriver who epitomized the liberal ideal through good works for the people of this country. He did so through...
View ArticleWhy We Still Need the Peace Corps
Tomorrow, March 1, marks 50 years since President John F. Kennedy signed the Executive Order creating the Peace Corps. So naturally, one would expect some contrarian to rain on the parade. Right on...
View ArticleHappy Peace Corps Day
Today marks the fiftieth anniversary of the United States Peace Corps, and I am proud to have been a Peace Corps volunteer. I served in Thailand from 1993 to 1995 working on Health and Nutrition...
View ArticleOne Hand Does Not Catch a Buffalo
We're surrounded by people whose basic philosophy seems to be "I've got something, at least, and I'm going to protect it at any cost! Keep away!" They remind me of lines by Aldous Huxley from Ape and...
View ArticleNotebook, 13 May 2011: Washington Whitewash. . .
Somethings are hard to do, but I cannot let this one go unremarked.Let me first of all commend (yes, commend, you read that right) the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, a body I've frequently held in...
View ArticleDefending the Rights of the Women Who Defend Us
U.S. servicewomen put their lives on the line for us every day. We owe it to them to fight for their dignity and respect their choices.Written by Sarah Lipton-Lubet, ACLU Washington Legislative...
View ArticleWhat's the Point of International Development?
[Background: I'm a somewhat new Peace Corps Volunteer in Senegal. My job is in Environmental Education. I was never going to be a shiny volunteer who believed I could change the world--I came here to...
View ArticleHappy Birthday, Peace Corps!
Fifty years ago today, the Peace Corps was established.Since that time, thousands of Americans of all ages have volunteered to live and work in developing countries around the world.I was a volunteer...
View ArticleSenate Committee Votes to Lift Ban on Abortions for Peace Corps Volunteers in...
The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Affairs, and Related Programs has passed a bill that would amend the current total ban on abortion care for Peace Corps volunteers by allowing...
View ArticleWhat One Day of Afghan War Funding Means for Peace Corps' 50th Anniversary
As the Peace Corps celebrates its 50th anniversary this month, it is time to take stock and commit to making it bigger, better and bolder.As one of four members of the House who volunteered, I answered...
View ArticleGreatest Generation viewed from seats of power
After you build latrines where most of the people live on less than $2.00 per day, you think differently -- no matter where you sit.
View ArticleIf this is Saturday . . .
it must be time for my normal Saturday morning reflection on teaching, life and everything else.I don't know which bothers me more, that the recent Republican debates have not discussed education, or...
View ArticleBetween the earth and the sky: Invisible Millions
Every society has its invisible class. In America that invisible class are the homeless. Hundreds of thousands of living reminders of "there but for the grace of God I go." A sub-class living among...
View ArticleTrouble in Timbuktu - my memories of Mali
When I received my invitation to join the Peace Corps in Mali in 2003, little did I know that my time in this corner of West Africa would change my life profoundly. My work with my Malian government...
View ArticleNH-Sen: Jeanne Shaheen (D) Co-Sponsors The Peace Corps Equality Act of 2013
Looks like this might be getting cleared up: http://www.npr.org/... Last year, something surprising happened: A piece of legislation about abortion made it through both chambers of Congress and was...
View ArticleRead This! Rec This! FB & Tweet This! Etc.
Good morning! Let's give the Peace Corps some love. Especially the women of the Peace Corps and everyone who loves them. Let's let the women have regular health care! And have a bit of action for...
View ArticleWill Colbert Nation save the galaxy?
Christ marshaled his apostles to venture into the world to do good, sans guns. Why don’t we emulate? Who can build that peaceful army of do-gooders? Only someone who can preach to the world. Is...
View ArticlePeace Corps to allow same-sex couples to serve together
Earlier today, the Peace Corps announced that it will allow same-sex couples to serve overseas together in gay-friendly countries starting on June 3.Peace Corps Deputy Director Carrie Hessler-Radelet...
View ArticleHey Consul General, give Putin the letter!
In March 1965, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara addressed the first conference of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers. He told us, "We have 3-3/4 million people in the Defense Department, but I doubt...
View ArticleEnding the Ban on Abortion Coverage for Peace Corps Volunteers
Since 1979, every appropriations act signed into law funding the U.S. Peace Corps has contained a provision forbidding the organization from paying for abortions for Peace Corps Volunteers under any...
View ArticleReproductive Rights and the Peace Corps
In the recent Hobby Lobby ruling where, in words of Huffington Post blogger H.A Goodman, "Religious Freedom" became an official euphemism for imposing religious doctrine... there has been a backlash....
View ArticleDespite Cancer - Pres. Carter, 91, Plans Trip Overseas To Build Homes With...
Who does this? Jimmy Carter does this. On October 1, 2015, President Jimmy Carter turned 91. During the same week, the former U.S. President and former First Lady Rosalynn Carter announced they will...
View ArticlePresident Carter's Grandson Gives Update - New Facebook Page 'Honoring Jimmy...
It's wonderful to see this country and the world paying tribute to the 39th President of the United States, Jimmy Carter. The Nobel Peace Prize laureate won yet another award this past week. The League...
View ArticleJimmy Carter's Nepal/Habitat For Humanity trip cancels—not skipping a beat he...
At 91, and diagnosed with cancer, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter will not be stopped. After getting the okay from his doctors to go to Nepal to build homes via Habitat for Humanity Work Project...
View ArticleAt 91, President Carter answers questions about his health - while building...
After his scheduled Habitat For Humanity trip to Nepal was cancelled, President Carter immediately turned his sights to building homes in the United States. The chosen city: Memphis, Tennessee. While...
View ArticleI trust Muslim Refugees--with my life
When I was in 9th grade in Bowling Green, KY, my family opened our home to a young man from Iran. This was while the Shah was still in power, and it was only a year or two later that we heard “Down...
View ArticleIAN: Monday, Feb. 22, 2016: Celebrating a Shero.
I have many heroes. We all have times in our lives when obstacles feel really big. What do you do when you feel that way? For me, I’d read about or hear about someone whose life and journey spoke...
View ArticleThe 13 Presidents Baby Boomers Have Lived Under -- #3 John Kennedy
I vaguely remember being in favor of Nixon over JFK, as an 11-year-old school boy living in London, England, in 1960. This was perhaps the outcome of being under the impression that my parents were...
View ArticleA Chance to Make a Clear and Immediate Difference
My cousin’s family is, granted, a bunch of overachievers. My cousin has a doctorate earned while raising three children, and before that spent two years in Africa in the Peace Corps — an act that...
View ArticleMichelle Obama: 'Let Girls Learn.' Donald Trump: 'Nah.'
Michelle Obama helped to start and fiercely promoted the Peace Corps’“Let Girls Learn” program. Now, Donald Trump is ending it, at least as a branded program:While aspects of the initiative's...
View ArticleNo love for the Peace Corps this 4th of July? A rant.
I wanted to take some time off of reading and writing stories of our Cheeto-hair-colored leader embarrassing himself and our nation as we approach the anniversary of our country declaring independence...
View ArticleOH: Hi! I’m Rick Neal, Candidate for Congress in Ohio’s 15th District, and...
Hi there! My name is Rick Neal, and I’m a Democrat running for Congress in Ohio’s 15th Congressional District against incumbent Republican, former banking lobbyist, and NRCC Chair Steve Stivers. I just...
View ArticleWe Made History, Ohio
Last week, we made history here in Ohio.After the Primary Election results were tallied, our campaign earned over 60% of votes cast in Ohio’s 15th Congressional District, and I became the first...
View ArticleBig Endorsement In My Race For OH-15!
This past week, I had the honor of being endorsed by my primary opponent — Rob Jarvis — in my race for Ohio’s 15th Congressional District.My primary opponent, Rob Jarvis, and I joined each other for...
View ArticleWhat I learned when I sent school supplies to Tonga
Where’s Tonga? That’s a question I had never before asked, until a young woman I know joined the Peace Corps, was assigned to the Kingdom of Tonga, and sent home desperate requests for basic school...
View ArticleThere is a vote tomorrow on the elimination of Peace Corps funding
If you are not aware, there is a vote in Congress tomorrow that will end Peace Corps funding in FY2020. One of my great friends is a recently RPCV and their experience over the last two years has been...
View ArticleButtigieg proposes vast expansion of national service programs
Democratic presidential candidate, and current South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg has unveiled his plan for a vastly expanded national service program. His plan, called "A New Call to Service" would...
View ArticleMonday OT: March 2 is Texas Independence Day, heh
March 2 is day 62 of the Gregorian Calendar year, Setting Orange, Chaos 55, 3186 YOLD (Discordian) And let us not forget by the Mayan Long Count
View ArticleTo Exit the Shutdown, Hire An Army Of Public Health Workers
The interventions we see reflect what we value ... experts weighed in ...REPUBLISHED BY PERMISSION: Anna Maria Barry-Jester forcaliforniahealthline.org <big>Last month,</big> facing the...
View ArticleDC riot police witness recounts harrowing experience: "F**k yeah, I was...
Former Peace Corps Response Volunteer Laura Dodson served in Duterte’s Philippines in a disaster zone, but it wasn’t until she protested peacefully in her nation’s capitol that she felt in danger of...
View ArticleWar College Shout Out for Peace Corps
Towards a Better Understanding of Other Peoples(Text link above)Podcast site:(Here)“How many of you who are going to be doctors, are willing to spend your days in Ghana? Technicians or engineers, how...
View ArticleA Student Loan Relief Proposal
Here is an idea for equitable student loan relief, one that is based upon a reciprocal notion of receipt and contribution necessary for a healthy society. It is a two-step proposal: A Baseline...
View ArticleFormer Peace Corps members organize relief effort for Atlas Mountains in Morocco
Many of the earthquake victims are in small villages high in the Atlas Mountains. This is a beautiful area that you’ve seen as background in car commercials, Bond films and Game of Thrones...
View ArticleDon Murray and the Peace Corps, Part l
Don Murray’s career took off like a bull out of a rodeo gate, a perfect metaphor, considering his screen debut as the brash, unrelenting young cowboy Bo Decker, who woos and, eventually, wins Marilyn...
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