In the recent Hobby Lobby ruling where, in words of Huffington Post blogger H.A Goodman, "Religious Freedom" became an official euphemism for imposing religious doctrine... there has been a backlash. Suddenly the media is taking a good, hard look at the restrictions women face on a day-to-day basis when it comes to controlling their own fertility. Add to that a recent House committee initiative that allows Peace Corps women to finally have access to abortions (though only in the cases of rape, incest, and life-threatening pregnancy complications) as well as an expose by the New York Times about the health care that Peace Corps Volunteers receive around the world and it is clear that we may have the beginning of a nascent sea change in the way women's health care is viewed in the United States. I may be hoping too much on that last conclusion... but when a Supreme Court decision causes more rage than acceptance it may be time to take advantage of that discontent.