My Peace Corps adventure is coming to a close. Before I left, I posted on DKos here.
It is hard to believe that two years can fly by so fast, and yet, crawl so slowly. In the past few weeks, I've had plenty of time to reflect over what I have done and my decision to join the Peace Corps and how that decision has impacted my life. Clearly, I am no longer the same person- I now consider a country that I previously only had an idea where it was located on a map as my second home.
I came with only one goal in mind (despite being told not to have any goals or expectations)--to make a difference. Have I achieved this goal? In ways I never suspected I could. Have I changed? Irreversibly. I now see the world in a much different light, I've seen how so many can do with so little, what true oppression and hardship look like and most of all, the influence the allure the United States really has on the world. I was so impressed with how closely my Bulgarian friends followed the US Presidential elections. On female teacher told me that Hillary Clinton was her greatest inspiration because she showed what women can achieve.